About Us






Business Center Office



GNE is an internet trading business that particularly has a good reputation around the international business. Through the internet trading head office in Singapore, it performs the international network throughout Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and some other countries. GNE business is supported by two solid shareholders group from Malaysia and Taiwan that have networking and marketing business experienced for more than 10 years.

GNE’s vision and mission is to improve the health through the successful business. The GNE business opportunities focus on the individual ability to reach the success for anyone who is fully committed and stress on the healthy life.

Supporting by the excellent business knowledge and experience with handled by respectable management team and partner business, GNE strive to share a significant contribution in business world either in Indonesia and international society.




To become a distinguished company providing high quality products to serve, improve the healthy and build the prosperity to many people.


  • To serve, improve the healthy and build the prosperity to lots of the people through the high quality, healthy, hygienic and contamination free products.
  • Actively helping the society to get good knowledge and information about the healthy life.
  • Conduct technology renewal to always develop high quality, modern, sophisticated and innovative products.
  • To give the opportunity as widely as possible to society to be able to obtain the company's high quality product, beside enjoy prosperity with partnership program (franchise).
  • Active.



Welcome to GNE, the future orientation business opportunity that will bring you reach the true living value, that is called 3 F

  • Financial
  • Freedom
  • Family & Health

The business opportunity of GNE is not only guarantee your income prosperity in the short term, on the contrary it will give an unlimited long-range guarantee (infinity)!

This guarantee is not a ridiculous matter since GNE program is supported by the international company background with the high quality main products. GNE marketing plan readily go to the globalization era.

Besides become business partner, in GNE you will get the clannish, togetherness and recognition following to the hard work and achievement that you already get. We are very major in teamwork, affection and harmony, besides providing you the business opportunity that gives 3 F.

GNE also does not disregard self-development and human relation. You needn't have specialty, experience or must work by itself, because GNE marketing plan is focused on teamwork: Cooperation and Solidarity.

The opportunity has been stand out in front of you, there is no any people who could prevent you reach for successfulness, unless your own that does not want to pay for your successfulness!

Immediately exploit this opportunity.....................!



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